
Adaptation and Language Responsibility in the Digital Age Media

The COVID-19 epidemic generates two extremes: fear and apathy. In the middle of an ongoing epidemic, the two extreme poles demand mass communication that can bridge the gap between government policies and the optimistic attitude of the population. In truth, the Indonesian government's selection of a mass communication medium seems to have been a mistake. The administration prefers to use influencers over traditional mass media. In the middle of the growth of the contemporary age of digital transformation and democracy, digital players as major opinion leaders are crucial actors in networked societies. The research approach used is qualitative, specifically the phenomenological research method, which refers to study on how the researcher interprets the significance of an event, which usually contradicts how the event really transpired. is beyond our comprehension. Consequently, this study approach aims to comprehend how a group of individuals experience a situation. The use of influencers and mainstream media as a significant government tool for public communication, particularly to establish faith in the COVID-19 response strategy. The author claims that mass media are more reliable, responsible, and influential in their message dissemination than influencers. This connection will boost the legitimacy of the mass media and strengthen scientific communication with the public domain, particularly with regard to the management of fear during a pandemic based on scientific authority. Examining mass media literature in the middle of the emergence of new media based on the premise of "magic bullets" and "syringes" to explain the aforementioned viewpoint. This report then examines the present administration's decision to use influencers while ignoring the role of mainstream media. By recognizing the significance of connecting the mainstream media with research institutions, we can strengthen public communication and science-based policies between government and scientific institutions, as well as the public's interest in gaining access to information based on scientific authorities. DOWNLOAD

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